Zinc deficiency symptoms reddit. that may indicate a zinc and/or magnesium deficiency.

Zinc deficiency symptoms reddit I will get a low dose of Zinc deficiency seems to result in a dysregulation of NMDA receptors; without sufficient dietary Zinc ingestion, there is an excessive density of NMDA receptors in the hippocampus, in rats. "Doses larger than 25 mg may cause anaemia and copper deficiency. Common symptoms include increased rates of diarrhea. 326,327 Importantly, zinc may inhibit neuronal NMDA glutamate receptors, which are dysregulated in those with depression, and raise BDNF levels, which can promote neuroplasticity. " The daily requirement is 15mg and 100g of beef have 6. And high dose Zinc impairs memory and inhibits BDNF study "These results indicate that zinc plays an important role in hippocampus-dependent learning and memory and BDNF expression, high dose supplementation of zinc induces specific zinc deficiency in I accidentally gave myself copper deficiency after taking zinc at 15-20mg (elemental) / day and eating red meta a couple times a week for six months to correct a previous zinc deficiency. 117K subscribers in the ibs community. They can assess your overall health, dietary habits, and potential underlying medical conditions. Understanding the balance required can assist you and your doctor in Because zinc deficiency symptoms often mimic other deficiencies, proper diagnosis requires blood tests measuring serum zinc levels. 1977; Golub et al. > She has had all the symptoms of "After some reading up found out that vitamin B12 deficiency increases metallothionein (which chelates and excretes copper, this is why B12 deficiency can cause copper deficiency and the symptoms of copper deficiency and vitamin B12 are exactly the same), vitamin D (which made me worse) also increases metallothionein so it makes a B12 You can buy a bottle of “liquid zinc assay” online for like $20 (Premier Research Labs is one brand; there’s also Metagenics, but pricier), which is just a liquid zinc supplement. The Wikipedia page on zinc toxicity is interesting. Also supplemented 200mg elemental zinc in November daily for 2 weeks (*). Symptoms include weak nails (used to have strong nails), dry skin (used to have combination skin), wounds take forever to heal, brain fog I love tofu, which is a good source of zinc. i bought some 50mg zinc gluconate which is about 7mg elemental zinc. " that may indicate a zinc and/or magnesium deficiency. Interesting. Reply reply Palaempersand No. ate foods with more copper and took a copper supplement and the panic attacks went away after a few months. It's literally a Zinc deficiency. If taking the Zinc supplements sort of helps, and yet you're still feeling symptoms from just one day of not taking Zinc (which should not happen, it takes way way way longer to experience effects of deficiency after starting from a high level of Zinc), then the Zinc is not the cure, and you don't just have a simple issue. I thought it's some sort of copper deficiency, but ceruloplasmin came back normal (1+ months after the zinc). Did a google and found this interesting tidbit. Taking the mineral cofactors for B2 hasn’t helped. AIP is similar to Paleo but removes additional foods that are pro-inflammatory. Also look into oxalates as they bind to copper and iron. There are forms of zinc like the life extension zinc lozenges that are highly beneficial for viral prevention. true. Look up balanced zinc from equilibrium nutrition. As some conditions can lead to a zinc deficiency, your doctor may do additional testing to discover the root cause. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Has anyone else had iron deficiency symptoms from zinc supplementation Zinc deficiency is defined either as insufficient zinc to meet the needs of the body, or as a serum zinc level below the normal range. testing again and i was low on zinc and even lower for copper. felt crap. I’ve never had them before in my life! (This deficiency came out as long covid) A functional Dr says it’s Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Has anyone found this to be their cause? Please note there may be a bug editing user flair via Reddit mobile app as changes cannot be saved. Selenium 200-400 mg per day, Zinc only 30mg per day. 90ug/dl is optimal, according to a study investigating the role of zinc levels in recovery from hypothyroidism. If you’re experiencing a combination of these symptoms, it’s Zinc deficiency is defined either as insufficient zinc to meet the needs of the body, or as a serum zinc level below the normal range. Ever since that, I've had nocturnal itching, general itching, reactions to foods, constipation, severe mucous, and the most annoying symptom of all - heart palpitations (esp when I'd go to bed). Possible signs and symptoms include: Diarrhea (typically in infants) Getting sick often; Growth that’s slower than expected (in Copper deficiency and excess zinc made me more prone to tendonitis. I don't want to take a copper supplement because I may end up with a zinc deficiency again. Do note that long term zinc supplementation can lower iron as well. ) zinc as a regulator of prostaglandins which drive and soothe inflammation A high SHBG is good because it balances estradiol, DHT, and Testosterone, but if SHBG is too high it can lower your free-test, which can lead to hypogonadal symptoms (even if your total test is high, the majority is bound by Globulin). Zinc has a multitude of functions in the body, including reducing oxidative stress, modulating neurotransmitter receptor function, and regulating gene expression. r/AutoImmuneProtocol (also known as The AIP diet) is a place for people following or wishing to learn about the Auto Immune Protocol diet. 7M subscribers in the Health community. 4. Supplementing Zinc caused the problem in the first place. Often what we call "toxicity" of X is actually just induced deficiency of Y. Hi everyone, I (32f) have various health problems and symptoms some of which are related to zinc deficiency (very low testosterone, insomnia, hair loss, autoimmune diseases like hashimotos). Take a teaspoonful or a small swig, and swish it in your mouth for 15 seconds. 1. However, since a decrease in the serum concentration is only detectable after long-term or severe depletion, serum zinc is not a reliable biomarker for zinc status. ) zinc as a cause of immune dysfunction, hormone imbalance 7. Many of the symptoms of a zinc deficiency are also symptoms of other nutritional deficiencies and medical conditions. But these people would have the symptoms of a zinc deficiency anyway. Doctors don't see it because they learn in school that iron-deficiency leads to anemia and that it is the anemia that is bad. Start eating more beans and nuts and seeds. So two things: I wasn't eating a TON of beans and nuts/seeds that are the primary source of zinc for vegetarians. If you're eating beef every day you probably don't need any extra zinc. I often wonder if anyone here has found zinc help ibs d. Basically you put the liquid zinc in your mouth and swish it around for a few seconds (some versions say to dilute it in water first); if it tastes like nothing / like water, you’re zinc deficient. Zinc deficiency symptoms can be subtle at first and easily mistaken for other issues. Zinc is an essential mineral and simply being deficient can cause symptoms. It was similar to the beginning of flu-like symptoms, even a tightness in the chest, the urge to cough, etc. Zinc supplementation seems to be the most beneficial for those with diarrhea. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Ah, sorry my assumption was that you were in the US (classic reddit mistake, right?). Or check it out in the app stores Thus zinc deficiency may present with a wide variety of symptoms, mainly a weaker immune system, weaker cognitive functions and memory, Firstly you mentioned classic symptoms of zinc deficiency. Doctors will also sometimes use a low alkaline phosphatase test as an indicator of zinc deficiency. I've been sick for years, getting worse If you have stretch marks from puberty they're thought to be zinc deficiency. For children aged 4-8 and Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Selenium helps with helps with less anxiety, better T4 to T3 conversion, lower thyroid antibodies, more energy, This copper deficiency has been brutal, as was the zinc deficiency. Iron deficiency, even without anemia (meaning that your haemoglobin levels are normal) can lead to a plethora of non-specific symptoms that I will list below. Just wanted to let co-sufferers know that the antihistamine ebastine has recently been proven to have a significant positive impact on people with IBS, and I only learned this after I started taking it for allergies and suddenly had a more stable digestion than I've ever had. From my understanding symptoms coming from low zinc levels are a bit more chronic and less obvious and so like, I don't feel any immediate effects from taking the zinc supplements. He was experiencing the following symptoms - ruminating thoughts, low self-confidence, depressive thoughts, and a tendency to “beat up” on himself. Avoiding all synthetic B6 and trying to keep my food intake around 100% DV has helped. I was chronically anemic until I went on a low oxalate diet. ) zinc as a cause of inefficient methylation 6. Metallic taste can be caused by side effects of certain medications too, but can also be associated with zinc deficiency which require prompt medical This is related to malnutrition but also zinc deficiency. Known causes of copper deficiency include excess zinc ingestion, malabsorption, nephrotic syndrome, and parenteral nutrition (without adequate copper), and this condition can rarely be seen in malnourished infants. I'm not a doctor, but brittle hair and white spots on your finger nails are symptoms of a zinc deficiency. ) zinc as a means to keep inducible nitric oxide synthase in check within causes ROS 8. I had copper deficiency Problems before with fatigue and shortness A lot of people get a nice mood boost when taking large doses of zinc (~50mgs) the first several times they take it. With key roles in enzyme activation and neurotransmitter synthesis, zinc is critical for regulation of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Or check it out in the app stores   dopamine and norandrenaline. Generally speaking, I would test deficiencies in B12, folate, copper, magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc. I've done some research and I found that zinc lowers iron or ferritin levels. There may be cracks and a 'glazed' (smooth or glassy) appearance on the skin. Even if you're within range on your blood tests, your body may need more than the RDA. So my blood test shows that I have a copper deficiency, which I expected and I have all the symptoms. All these herbals and antibiotics don't fix the underlying problem I actually have high copper and low zinc, so I’m not sure about copper deficiency causing these issues. Second, whether using zinc at higher doses than those prescribed in this trial would lead to different results is a question that needs to be investigated. 3mg. If you had covid recently the symptoms Zinc deficiency leads to memory impairments in children, further signalling its role in synaptic plasticity. Hair growth wise, make sure to test your ferritin levels. If it tastes strongly “metallic” or zinc-y, you are zinc sufficient. So low zinc and high copper for me suggests low dopamine and high norepinephrine, leading to anxiety like symptoms, which I have. This deficiency is common in our community and there are many signs and symptoms of Zinc deficiency, many of which we have discussed here such as dyshydrosis and hidradenitis suppurativa. If you type in zinc you will get specific podcasts that talk about zinc deficiency and how to correct it using functional medicine. Theoretically same for Zinc - Copper pair Maybe you should look into electrolytes, and drink a mix of potassium + magnesium + salt + zinc. Although there are known iron-specific absorption and transport pathways, Zinc and Iron compete to be absorbed by and transported through the body . Remedy the deficiency and the symptoms abate, which can create the appearance of a drug like effect. It turns out I’m actually severely zinc deficient, and the riboflavin deficiency symptoms are a secondary effect of that. B12 is in range 240 (ref range 145 - 569) still waiting for MMA, ceruloplasmin (copper transport protein) also within range. What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency? Zinc deficiency can result in skin changes that look like eczema at first. Once zinc levels have optimized though, beyond that more is not better. Reply reply [deleted] I had a copper deficiency and can confirm that I had exactly the same symptoms that you have. I hope this post helps create awareness about copper deficiency, its symptoms, and ways to prevent it. Or - might be much better - make sure to eat daily 2 tomatos + 1 avocado + 1 paprika + 1 leaf of bok choy + water + salt + eat good meat / fish = and never worry about taking any supps again The eye contains high concentrations of zinc, and when someone is zinc-deficient, they may experience altered vision. I really feel like I want to share it with you all because I think it's pretty important and it isn't discussed enough. Zinc is a mineral that your Symptoms of zinc deficiency. I recall the other post about zinc. For me zinc disrupts my sleep, but if I stop it my sleep gets back to normal fairly quickly. Or check it out in the app stores (Potassium deficiency symptoms, for example, are similar. So it's more difficult to know how long I should take them for. However, you have to eat a ridiculous amount of nuts, seeds and leafy greens to get atleast 1mg of Symptoms of zinc deficiency. Zinc is a very important trace mineral that functions in over 100 different enzyme systems in the brain alone. Yep, that's how it was. 328,329 A meta-analysis of nine studies 66 votes, 75 comments. I got my levels back a few weeks ago and they are 10 umol/L Zinc should be taken with meals, since some people may experience nausea after supplementing zinc on an empty stomach. But now that I know, eating some beef liver or dark chocolate feels like a euphoric stimulant! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now and dopamine β-hydroxylase. Or check it out in the app stores Most people still experience iron deficiency symptoms of it's below 100, it's just not considered "dangerous. Contains the correct ratio of zinc to copper. Give it a week or so. My doc said that the ratio between copper and zinc should be 1:1 though, and imbalances can cause issues. Of note, the dose of zinc used in our study is within the range that is currently recommended [22]. Additionally, zinc is a fairly easy nutrition to obtain from food. My worsening symptoms are over, although I am far from better. Vitamin D too. I have experienced this effect many times, and when I don't use zinc for a week, I notice the symptoms returning and a significant decrease in my motivation and cognitive abilities. This excess is thought to cause the anhedonia (measured by lower preference for Sucrose consumption in rats) and voluntary social withdrawal, both occurring in Zinc deficient rats. My thought process has been: "LH signals testes to produce testosterone. After a few days, I started feeling sick and was getting paranoid that I caught Covid. and noticed a marked improvement of my symptoms when I started zinc. A zinc deficiency can be diagnosed using a blood test, urine test, or hair analysis. ) zinc as a cause of protein and albumin deficiency 5. I stopped taking it, and the symptoms went away. Possible signs and symptoms include: Diarrhea Both she and Stangland list the following as symptoms of zinc deficiency that you should be aware of: While these signs may be helpful indicators that you may not be getting enough zinc in your My symptoms are acid reflux, low stomach acid, eye lesion (Retina), thyroid imbalance (Hypo), beaus lines on the nails, gingivitis that doesn’t go away. a zinc-including foot powder essentially prevents athletes foot for me without using antifungals like clotrimazole. With iron you really need to know what your levels are to prevent iron deficiency induced hair loss (or iron toxicity to that Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Watch out for zinc ionophores as well, such as quercetin, as they could enhance zinc absorption and multiply its adverse effects. 1996) and human findings suggest involvement of zinc deficiency in hyperactivity. There are some on Amazon (“Taste N Score” is maybe the cheapest one, about $15). I had symptoms of copper toxicity ranging from severe mood swings, bursting i did the same thing. It is a co-factor biochemical reactions and is necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. I’ve read that people with IBS-D can get a zinc deficiency that might prolong the disorder and prevent healing. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds. I stumbled upon hi about 4 months ago while scrolling Reddit. ) I was planning to try to help, but nevermind. No need to take 50mg/day of zinc if you don’t have a zinc deficiency. Serum levels below 70ug/dl indicate deficiency. Evening primrose oil (500) can help with the absorption of zinc. Because zinc deficiency can lead to appetite changes, unexplained weight loss can be a symptom of zinc deficiency. Anyone have any experience with low copper? I was taking too much zinc and finally cut it out last week, and I can't believe how much Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I’ve started taking 22mg of zinc picolinate per day but I find it makes my stomach burn. Zinc deficiency symptoms can vary depending on your age and how much zinc you’re missing. Secondly if you are noticing such clear I have seen my gp, before anyone claims I'm self-diagnosing. Also dr Cabral (this one who founded equilibrium nutrition) has a podcast series. And (2) what I was, those foods have a competing ingredient that reduces zinc absorption. Be careful with supplementing zinc, because it blocks your copper absorption and high doses/long term supplementation can make you copper and/or Excess zinc intake can also lead to copper deficiency. minerals: zinc 20 mg, copper 2 mg (10% of zinc amount to prevent copper depletion, although Cu is an oxidant), selenium 100 mcg endogenous compounds: acetyl-carnitine (ALCAR) 1000 mg, lipoic acid 600 mg, ubiquinol I realized my zinc supplement was labeled with elemental and copper was 1 mg bisglycinate (not 1 mg elemental) after I started getting symptoms of copper deficiency. These changes may be noticed first around the mouth, nappy area and hands. I am eating black beans every day with salads and I like it. I've searched plenty about it, all the results are very basic. This can Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I have clearly ‘deficiency’ nails, but they seem to be getting worse rather than better. In this particular case, OP consumed zinc and vitamin c in excess, without supplementing Copper, two substances that are well know to cause copper deficiency, and then started to have Copper deficiency symptoms as collagen issues, as Copper is a cofactor for lysyl oxidase, an enzyme responsible for proper collagen formation, and as research shows copper deficiency causes I think the short answer is yes. If it tastes metallic / zinc-y, your zinc levels are sufficient. I heard a plant based diet is really good to fix copper deficiency. started supplementing with copper and felt worse. Reply Wasn't aware of this. In addition to zinc supplements, some denture creams also contain excessive levels of zinc. The reason being the excess copper caused a zinc deficiency. Do not pair zinc with minerals like calcium, Seven Warning Signs of Zinc Deficiency Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore. I looked it up (somewhere) and read that over-doing it on the zinc can cause these symptoms. apparently permanent damage, i feel nothing when drinking a beer or having sex since i took zinc 12 Same here, functional B2 deficiency and I have B6 toxicity. Of relevance, 50 mg of zinc per day was found to be tolerable and unlikely to induce toxicity. After using zinc for two days, I notice an increase in my cognitive abilities, motivation, and significantly improved ability to focus. Or check it out in the app stores Could be a deficiency caused by too much zinc accumulation, copper is commonly deficient in those taking too much zinc, but probably best just to get a blood panel done to be sure. Do you have any symptoms that would indicate you are actually deficient or did this just come up at a routine check? If the latter, and if all your other values are in range: Zinc deficiency is not an emergeny. so i tried beef liver and dark chocolate and tested months later with normal levels. ibs: it's a pain. 30mg Zinc per day for months. Or check it out in the app stores Some people have iron deficiency symptoms until they get closer to 100. Hello Reddit, I wanted to bring up an often overlooked aspect of health, that is, mineral deficiency - specifically, Copper Deficiency. I don’t know much about zinc deficiency and was purely basing it on the fact that 90% of my symptoms seem to match with what it says online for zinc deficiency on op of the fact that I have Crohn’s. by the time i knew that was the problem the damage was done. tested low for copper. This is evident by my mood! My friend also experienced the same benefits. Just make sure if you keep taking big doses you take a copper supplement along with the zinc. Particularly reference 13 which states: "Homeostatic regulation of iron and zinc differ, with iron being regulated through absorption and zinc being regulated primarily through secretion. Also, treatment for zinc deficiency is a bit of a long road. but in terms of symptoms: Copper deficiency can contribute to gray hair, loss of color in the skin,allergy symptoms, insomnia, anxiety, acid reflux, brain fog, low sex drive, fatigue, poor stress Could zinc supplementation (50 mg) cause depressive symptoms if you are not deficient in it? Archived post. If you actually have clear symptoms of zinc deficiency, AND your measured levels are low, you should absolutely take it every day, no matter the time of year, until you have a reason not to What does a zinc deficiency feel like? Zinc levels and zinc supplementation seems to be a big thing in nutritional psychiatry. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Zinc Deficiency! I’m a med student. I've been receiving very positive messages from people recently from an article I also posted on Reddit. Health, a science-based community to discuss health news and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic Selenium 200-400 mg per day, Zinc only 30mg per day. So please be careful with that and don't exert to much impact on your tendons or joints. I made an introduction thread a few days ago where I briefly touched upon the time when I developed a zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency affects the skin and gastrointestin If you’re not getting enough zinc in your diet, you may experience symptoms such as hair loss, lack of alertness, and a reduced sense of taste and smell. Before taking especially zinc. BTW, you should be checking copper along with I also find that when I eat more phytic acid in my diet, (phytic acid binds zinc), my need for zinc increases. So did anybody else have zinc deficiency? What did your levels come out at? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. #3: Weight loss isn’t always good. Boron is known to lower SHBG, and in-turn, increase free testosterone, thus abating hypogonadal symptoms. Zinc deficiency represents one of the most-recognized micronutrient deficiencies linked to ADHD symptoms. Really great information In the past 10 years I have consumed very minimal amounts of meat and I meet all of the symptoms for a deficiency. The main deficiency that causes loss of smell and loss of taste is a Zinc deficiency. despite, like you say, it's supposed to be symptom free. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now TIL that while Zinc doesn't reduce ADHD symptoms on its own, 30mg of elemental Zinc decreased the required dose of D-Amphetamine by 37% in ADHD children Sandstead et al. Not a carnivore, but a very low plant diet. Reply reply There are some on Amazon (“Taste N Score” is maybe the cheapest one, about $15). Zinc activates riboflavin, riboflavin activates folate and B12, so it makes sense that I’ve ended up here. I had histamine intolerance too but it eventually stopped not sure why. Taking zinc in real high doses improves my symptoms a lot, but it’s never gone and my zinc blood levels never go up 🤷🏻‍♂️ Correcting the zinc deficiency did help but I think my issues are primarily microbiome disruption. Some symptoms that manifest with zinc deficiencies include adult acne, body odor, foot odor, stretch marks, canker sores, and delayed wound healing. Zinc-carnosine is extremely useful for GERD. the copper deficiency went away quickly enough once i realized that was the problem. I have a history of extreme diets and Deficiency presents in your body early because zinc interacts with your body on multiple levels and affects your body’s major systems. I'm scared as symptoms vary day by day. I had been waiting on insurance issues and finding a new doctor to get the blood work done but I really should have just paid out of pocket and checked this earlier. Look into symptoms if low B vitamins, too. Zinc Deficiency May Perpetuate Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pathology/Symptoms - Gastroenterology Advisorof course which comes first the chicken or the egg I've been helped a lot by taking l-optizinc at my supper meal. Selenium helps with helps with less anxiety, better T4 to T3 conversion, lower thyroid antibodies, more energy, less hair loss, fewer palpitations this deficiency, which can manifest as increased anxiety, fatigue, and depression. And I wouldn't recommend going over 50mgs or even staying at that dose too long, zinc overdose is a real thing. . In severe cases, zinc deficiency can cause changes in the retina. I switched to a liquid chlorophyll supplement in the form of sodium copper chlorophyllin which has 4 mg elemental copper for 5 mL of the liquid. I believe when you talk about symptoms you are talking about high anxiety, irritability, pacing, general unease combined with mental and physical fatigue. The rash doesn't get better with moisturisers, steroid creams or lotions. Or check it out in the app stores Lesser know symptoms of copper deficiency . Because Reddit answers are more scientifically backed. Zinc deficiency can cause skin lesions, acne, etc thanks. [1] Common symptoms include increased rates of diarrhea. No symptoms and normal blood levels means most likely no deficiency. Although zinc is widely prometed as a life changer mineral, it's still a heavy metal and when taken in excess; you won't pee out the unnecessary amount like the case in Vitamin C. B12 and copper deficiency could give very similar symptoms. Duh To determine the root cause of your borderline zinc deficiency, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. Or check it out in the app stores Zinc is a critical component of several hormones, so a zinc deficiency can indirectly cause depressive symptoms due to hormone deficiency. Consult a medical professional if you suspect zinc deficiency. They may recommend additional testing or suggest adjustments to The symptoms of zinc deficiency are non-specific, so it can be hard to diagnose. Thanks for your response. search for symptoms of zinc deficiency, go to your doc and tell him about that and he probably will test you for zinc and other stuff. There are only drawbacks to too much zinc, no benefits. I have experienced a range of symptoms related to things like hypo, fibro, MS, lyme and it took so long to figure out what was off. Chronic intake of too much zinc can create problems as well. Zinc makes me anxious and depressed and rapidly induces copper deficiency. How long until I feel significant changes based on correcting the deficiency. Human A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I use to take Jarrow Formulas zinc every other day for weeks and I would get pale cold hands and other iron deficiency symptoms. Also, I have gone through periods where I took 50mg of zinc for a couple weeks and it led me to having headaches and lethargy which is why I only take roughly 10mg now. Hope it can help others! There are cases of zinc deficiency with normal blood levels. Zinc deficiency can absolutely cause hair loss (as well as wicked hangovers Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Zinc deficiency is very rare. For example, infections, anemia, and thyroid disease often cause symptoms similar to the ones caused by zinc deficiency. i only take zinc when i’m sick now. entidy zfdwesi mnwcji aryioo vvbzcl aahui ohkc usxwbj tcnfyg wakq illj unnsi ggh urttdb qecys