Benner funeral services obituaries. Interment at McAffee Cemetery.
Benner funeral services obituaries Find contact information, view maps, and more. He is survived by Ali Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. , Fort Erie, on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, followed by a Chapel Service at 12:00 noon. , Fort Erie entrusted with the arrangements. Visitation will be held at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Donald Keith Arseneau Obituary. Jon passed away in Niagara Falls on December 20th, 2024 at the age of 78. Only those with reserved time slots will be allowed into the building. A Funeral Service will be celebrated on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 11:00 AM in the Benner Funeral Home Chapel. Dear son of Terrie and the late Jim Hall, and son-in-law of Valerie and the late Walter Brooks. Devoted father to Lori (Andrew) Kowtalo. Wayne Ashton July 3, 1955- November 30, 2023 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Wayne Ashton on November 30, 2023 at the Greater Niagara General Hospital at the age of 68. Loving wife of A time of Visitation will be held at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Arrangements entrusted to Benner Anthonio “Tony” Fazio Surrounded by the love of his family, Anthonio (Tony) passed at the Douglas Memorial Hospital in Fort Erie on August 6th, 2024 at the age of 92. A loving mother, nana, and cherished friend; Sherry was the epitome of generosity, kindness, and strength. A light luncheon will follow. Dear brother of Catherine (Joseph) Marinaro and Friends and family are invited to a time of visitation on Sunday, April 30, 2023 from 1-4 PM at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. , Fort Erie on Sunday December 4th from 11 am until 11:30 at which time words of reflection and love will be shared to honour her life. Mourning Sylvia's loss is her loving husband of 65 years LeRoy Petteys, her daughters Marcia (Bill) Whipps, Annette (Scott) Thompson, and Stacy (Dave) Overholt. Funeral Service will be held on Tuesday December 5 th at 1pm in the funeral home chapel. Obituary of Ida Bertha Hocking. Robin is survived by his loving wife Carolyn. It was always a barrel of laughs with Aunt Barb for niece Carly (Tim) Cosby and nephews Nic (Carrie) Chevalier, Chris (Bri) Chevalier and Patrick Chevalier. Loving husband to Trudie. Maureen Helen Richardson (nee Kelleher), beloved wife of Harry for 22 years, peacefully passed away on May 24th, 2023, at the age of 91. Daughter to Bob and Jean Stevenson, sister to Pat (Mike) Chevalier and Donnie Stevenson. He is predeceased by his loving wife Lois (nee Thomson) Noble. , Fort Erie has been entrusted with arrangements. Survived by older brothers Tyson and Tytian. Devoted Grandma to Caitlin, Brooke, Declan, and Aisling. Joseph Cemetery, Fort Erie. Cherished by her grandchildren Kassandra (Jacob), Erykk (Kaitlynne) and great grandchildren Ellie, Isaac and Lincoln. Benner, Norma Rose November 30, 1929 - January 17, 2023 Norma passed away at the Crescent Park Lodge surrounded by the love of her family, at the age of 93. Family and friends will gather and visit at the funeral home Sunday January 21, 2024 from 11:30 -1:15. m. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, Fort Erie, Ontario at 11 am on Saturday February Visitation will be held at Benner Funeral Services, Fort Erie, on Saturday, May 27, 2023 from 10 am-12 pm with a Funeral Service to follow in the funeral home chapel at 12:00 noon. In Lieu of flowers if so desired memorial donations may be made to Niagara Health Services or Walker Family Cancer Centre. (1105 Benner Avenue, Fort Erie) In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Laurena “June” Graham (Schabel) 1925 - 2023 June reunited with the love of her life Edward on April 30, 2023, in her 98th year. Prideful Papa to Scott (Kadence) Sarah and Noah. Loving husband to Patty Beam of 54 years. Lori Claus (Cruise) Born May 7th, 1966. He is reunited with his parents Michael and Jacqueline as well as his brother Randy who have all predeceased him. The family will recieve friends on Tuesday March 28th from 4-7pm. I recall our early days driving on Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. FAQ What people want to know about Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave, Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements. A Mass to celebrate Maryann’s life will take place at St. He leaves behind a legacy of care as a Family Physician, serving many in the Niagara Region. Forever missed by her many friends. Her Celebration of Life will be at the Royal Canadian Legion in Ridgeway located at 228 South Mill Street on Friday, June 16, 2023. She was the beloved daughter of the late Fred and Ann De Jongh. Robinson, Leverne Ross. Michael Roman Catholic Church's Facebook page via the link provided https://www Obituary of Carmela Maulucci. Sister of Helga Lawes (late Wayne) and long-time partner of the late George Prow. Joseph’s Cemetery Fort Erie. followed by interment in St. Cremation has taken place. A Private Funeral Service will be held at Brethren in Christ Church, Port Colborne, on Friday, June 18, 2021. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free. He loved being part of a large family and being a dad, brother and uncle. Friends and family will visit from 1:30 until the time of words of remembrance in the Chapel at 2:30. 30th at: The City Church. A service will be held in the chapel at 7 o’clock. Arrangements made Allison, George Edward June 20, 1941 – February 17, 2024 Peacefully with family by his side, George passed away on Saturday, February 17, 2024 in his 83rd year. Born in Stratford, Ontario September 17, 1940, John passed away in St. For those unable to attend, a Live Stream of the service will be available through the St. , passed away at the St. In recognition of the support provided during the loss of Betty’s granddaughter, donations to Tender Wishes would be Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave, entrusted with arrangements. Leona Vivian Seeley, left us on the 16th of December, 2023, at Maple Park Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. , Fort Erie entrusted with private arrangements. Benner Funeral Services entrusted with arrangements. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Funeral services will be held at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Road, Fort Erie, on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 2:00 p. If so desired, donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. A private Donald McLean Urquhart Passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on Wednesday April 14, 2021 in his 95th year. Benner Funeral Services (1105 Benner Avenue, Fort Erie) entrusted with arrangements. Obituary of Pamela Griffi. and 6-8 at BENNER FUNERAL SERVICES. , Fort Erie, on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 from 2-4 PM and 7-9 PM. Loving husband of Joanne for 58 wonderful years. Loving husband of Donna. Ida Hocking (née Jacobi) October 1, 1929 to September 5, 2024 . A visitation will commence on Monday May 27 from 10:00 AM until the time of the Funeral Service in the chapel at 12:00 PM. Hummel : Agnes Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Obituary of Jennifer Rae Benner Funeral Services entrusted with arrangements. , Fort Erie on Friday January 10th from noon until the Joan Marie Brunt Joan Marie Brunt passed quietly at Welland Hospital on the 24th day of January, 2021 to be with her loving husband Bill jr. We are devastated to announce the sudden and tragic passing of Russel Edmunds in the city of Buffalo, New York on September 23rd, 2023. In light of this, we've created beautiful interactive online tributes to memorialize your love one. Hesser : David Grant. Her final act of kindness was to give the gift of organ donation. Rite of committal to follow in Greenwood Cemetery. The youngest of ten children she is survived by 4 sisters and 1 brother. Loving grandfather of Myles (Laura), Alex (Andrea), Jessica (Tyler) and Joshua (Jordan) His legacy lives on in great grandchildren Addison, Macie, Wyatt, Levi and Blake. If desired, contributions in Jennifer’s memory to the SPCA would be appreciated by the family. He had 10 siblings, Mark (Cindy), Mary (Ron), Cathy (Jack), Tim, Margaret (Walter), Claude Obituary of Nora Crerar. Died April 6th, 2022 . He is survived by his spouse Tammy Camden; his children Crystal McNay (Jamie), Bradley Cooper, Nancy Jean August 23, 1942 - December 16, 2020 It is with broken hearts we announce the sudden passing of our beloved mother and sister, Nancy Cooper, at the Niagara Falls General Hospital at the age of 78. com beginning Monday afternoon Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements where Funeral Services followed by a reception and burial will take place on Saturday May 25 th beginning at 11 o'clock. Byron was Maria’s Renaissance man. He will be deeply missed by his wife and soulmate Monica Byrne (nee Lane) as well as by his siblings and extended family in Ireland. 2025 at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Avenue, Fort Erie, from 11:00 AM until the time of the Funeral Service in the chapel at 1:00 Sherry Lynn Dixon, born on March 17th, 1960, in Dunnville, went home to God on January 6th, 2025 at the age of 64. She also worked and ran the company Global Meats up until her death. He was also predeceased Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Visitation for family and friends will be held at Benner Funeral Services on Thursday November 17, 2022 from 6- 8 p. With great sadness, the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) announces the loss of its longtime President and volunteer Sheldon Dean Benner on the morning of Dr. Interment to follow at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. The service will also be available on the Benner Funeral Home Visitation will be held at Benner Funeral Services, Fort Erie, on Saturday, May 27, 2023 from 10 am-12 pm with a Funeral Service to follow in the funeral home chapel at 12:00 noon. Paul's Anglican Church would be appreciated Bain : Maureen Christina Maureen passed away on December 27th 2021 at the Greater Niagara General Hospital. A loving mother, nana, and cherished friend; Sherry was the epitome of Obituaries from Benner Funeral Services inc in Fort Erie, Ontario. The family will receive friends from 11 until 1 on Saturday December 5th. , entrusted with arrangements. Proud father of Jay (Tami) and Nick (Elaine). Justin was the loving son of Kim and the late Steven Kinnaird and cherished brother to Mitch. The family will receive friends on Thursday November 11 th from 6-8 pm. Her grandchildren Brad & Amanda Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Born in Toronto on April 2, 1941, she graduated from George Harvey Secondary School. Obituary of Audrey Maracle. There are 2425 obituaries and memoriams for the surname Benner. She will be deeply missed by her friends and It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Alan Doneff on August 5, 2023, at Douglas Memorial Hospital, after a short and very private battle with cancer. Entered into rest on October 6, 2022 at Greater Niagara General Hospital at the age of 95. It is with heavy hearts to announce the passing of Donald George Lubberts on February 13, 2024 at the age of 67. Benner Funeral Services have been entrusted with arrangements and a Celebration of Life will take place on Thursday October 26 th, 2023 in the funeral home chapel at 11 a. Family and friends will gather and visit on Tuesday September 3 rd between 5 and 7pm. Friends are encouraged to wear your favourite wrestling gear, something Cam would love ! Clayton : Jessie We are heartbroken at the passing of our beloved mother Janet "Jessie" Clayton on September 9, 2023 at the age of 94. A visitation will commence on Friday April 26th, 2024 from 10:30 AM until the time of the service in the Benner Chapel at 12:00 PM. Catharines General Hospital on February 26th, 2024 at the age of 81. A private funeral service with interment will be held on Saturday November 4 th at 11 am at St Obituaries from Benner Funeral Services inc in Fort Erie, Ontario. Donations in memory may be made to Pathstone Foundation. He is predeceased by his Mother (Hertha), Father (Lorne) and Brother (Tommy). Funeral Services will be held in the chapel on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Big Russ, as he was affectionally known for his obvious larger than life Obituary of Robert Michael Parris. At Sandy’s request cremation has taken place and no service to be held. Devoted husband of Laura (Potter) for 49 fun filled years. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Fort Erie on Tuesday September 12, 2023 at 11 a. Loving Grandma to Ben, Ella and Elijah Everett. Eric is predeceased by his loving wife Patricia (1936-2010), after 54 years of marriage; his father, Charles (1884-1964) and mother, Julia (1889-1992). Devoted grandfather to Joey, Lucas and Jaxon. Visiting beginning at 10 am. The family will receive friends on Friday Nov. The family will receive friends on Tuesday, April 9th from 9:30-10:30 am. Masks are required. The family will receive friends and family on Tuesday April 19th from 2 to 4pm and 7 to 9pm Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday morning April 20th at 11am at the Saint Michaels Roman Catholic Church Interment to follow in Greenwood Cemetery. Please allow my family to grieve in private. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Mental Health Association or the SPCA. Obituaries and announcements from Benner Funeral Services, as published in Moncton Times & Transcript Obituaries and announcements from Benner Funeral Services, as published in Hamilton Spectator View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Benner Funeral Services in Fort Erie, ON, CA. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. An Independent Obituary of Agnes Hummel. 2700 Ron Hilton It is with a broken heart that I write this. The family will receive friends on Friday October 27 th from 4-7 p. Visitation is from 10 AM - 12 PM at the Legion, and the Celebration of Life service will begin at 1 Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Loving sister to Paul, Linda and Barbara. May 19, 1936 – July 31, 2023 . Beloved wife of Roger for 66 years and adoring mother of Tami Johnsen and Kori Woehl. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. Obituary of Ron Bryant. Loving wife of the late Kenneth Benner. May 19, 1934 – April 18, 2024 Benner Funeral Home in Fort Erie has been entrusted with the arrangements. In early 2000, Benner Funeral Services was incorporated and I purchased Leo's Restaurant Ltd. Loving mother to David (Cindy) Pisaric of North Bay, Ontario and Christina (Craig) The lives he touched in the hockey world and beyond are immeasurable. Smith : Marcy Lee (nee Swayze) After battling ALS, Marcy passed in the comfort of her home surrounded by those she loved at the age of 56. Proud father to Scott (Krista) and Allen (Kim). Sadly missed by siblings Laurie, Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Predeceased by Stepson Michael. Brother to Barbara and Lauren and Celebrate the life of Jennifer Rae Schwab (1996-2024) from Fort Erie, ON. Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences. Dearly Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Funeral Services will be held on Monday March 11 th at St. Friends and family will visit at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. He is survived by several nieces and nephews and furry friends. Devoted wife to Bob (2025) for over 56 years. His feisty memory will live on with his grandchildren Anna, Brandon, Brittany and Sean (Victoria), his nieces Tammy and Stacey and nephew Sean. Wes will be lovingly remembered by his brother-in-law David Visiting will take place at Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave. Ron Hilton, Husband to Elisabeth, Father to Tony and Tina, died August 20, 2023 in St Catharines General Hospital. Loving husband of Teresa for 62 years, proud father of Joe (Kelly), Mike (Kim), and Angela (Ken) Der Krikorian. Uncles Braydyn and Bryish, Grandma and several great aunts and uncles, also plenty of cousins. If you wish donate Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Peter was predeceased by his loving wife Marjorie Elaine Babcock (Sayles), who died in 2006 after 54 years of marriage; his parents and his sister Duane. A Celebration of Life will be held at Benner Funeral Services on Friday, April 5th, 2024 @ 1pm. William "Bill" Kavanaugh passed away peacefully at home on Sunday July 9, 2023 at the age of 87. Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Woehl, Janice (Armstrong) - It is with broken hearts that we announce the unexpected but peaceful passing of our loving mother Janice Patricia Woehl on November 5, 2024 at the Greater Niagara General Hospital. Funeral Services will be held in the Chapel on Saturday at 11am, with a Celebration of Life at the Ridgeway Legion following at 1:30pm. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. She kept Pops tradition of ANNETT: June Patricia The family of June announces her passing on December 27, 2022 at the Greater Niagara General Hospital surrounded by her family. Predeceased by her husband Kenneth and her son Edward, Genny as she was known to her friends, is survived by her extended family, Tony, Costa, Sam and Peter Koutroulakis, her many nieces and Visitation will be held at Benner Funeral Service, on Monday, May 29, 2023 from 12- 2pm. , who passed 5 days earlier. She is survived by her three sons whom she loved dearly, Neil (Patti), James (Dan), and Kevin (Kim); five grandchildren who adored their Grandma, Timothy (Jerome), Jeffrey (Bruce), Andrew (Lisa), Sara, and Tyler (Jaymi); and her daughters-in-law They are honoured to have the opportunity to assist families in honouring a life well lived and will do everything they can to facilitate the needs of those they serve. The family will receive friends on Tuesday from 5-8 and on Wednesday from 2-8. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church where Agnes was a longtime member on Tuesday August 23 rd at 10 am. Sherry was a dedicated mother to Jessica and beloved nana to Aris. Joseph Cemetery Stuart : Charles Robin It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden death of Robin Stuart on October 15, 2021. Interment in the Churchyard with reception to follow. She will be deeply missed as a devoted wife, loving mother, cherished grandmother and great Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Avenue, Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements. Neil was born in Montreal, Quebec to the late John and Jackie Ramage (nee Denis) on October 6th, 1958. Leave a condolence, share a memory, post a photo, light a candle, and more! Find out more Obituary of Donald Hall. Michaels Roman Catholic Church, Fort Erie, on Friday November 18, 2022 at 11 a. Reilly passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family after a courageous battle with Mental Illness. com. Survived by her brother Glen Search obituaries and death notices from Fort Erie, Ontario, brought to you by Echovita. Cherished Dad to his daughters Abigail and Stephanie and he will live on in Funeral services will be held at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Road, Fort Erie, on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 2:00 p. Obituary of Sheldon Dean Benner. Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave, Fort Erie is entrusted with a memorial ceremony on Friday January 14, 2022 at 7pm, which will also be webcast on Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Live life to the fullest because in a second it can all be taken away. A Funeral Service to celebrate Cam's life will follow in the funeral home chapel at 2pm. On Saturday January 25, 2025 a visitation will take place from 11:00 until the time of the Funeral Service in the Benner Chapel at 12:30 PM. Loving husband of Maria (nee D’Amelio) and the ever-so-proud father of Brenna McKim - his Light, his Joy. A service to honour Charlene’s life will take place at 11 o’clock in the chapel. Julian worked at Fleet Industries as an Autoclave Operator for 37 Benner Funeral Services The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Maureen passed away peacefully at Gilmore Lodge on Thursday April 4 th, 2024 at the age of 91. The family will receive friends on Friday May 5 th from 1-3 and 5-8. Interment to follow in Greenwood Cemetery. As well, speak to the funeral home to receive any important information on the date, time and location of any funeral service, or other funeral related events. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Visitation will be held at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave, Fort Erie, on Monday December 4 th from 2-4pm and 6-8pm. Maulucci, Carmela. While she fought with bravery and optimism, her final moments DOAN: Janet Anne (Nee Kelly) Janet (Kelly) Doan, age 92, passed away peacefully on April 23, 2022 at Garrison Place, Fort Erie. His memory lives on in the lives of his brother Michael (Alison), niece Krystin (Travis) and nephews Cameron (Vanessa), Michael Jr. Funeral Services will be held at the Fort Erie Leisureplex on Thursday morning at 11 am. Predeceased by her husband Joseph Pisaric (1978) and her three brothers. She was a loving and caring Mother and Grandmother to 5 wonderful grandchildren. Burial to follow at Greenwood Cemetery, Fort Erie. He leaves behind Family in England who he very much enjoyed spending time with. Loving husband to the Late Marion (nee. Born May 24, 1958, at 65 years old she is at peace after a long and heroic battle with lung cancer. A It is with deep sorrow that we share that Derek Michael Ferguson Gibson passed away suddenly at home on December 16th, 2024 at the age of 73. Catharines on April 30 th, 2021. Allen: William “Bill” Surrounded by the love of his family, Bill passed at the Greater Niagara General Hospital on October 16th, 2024. Born in Glasgow, Scotland she came to Canada as a War Bride with Alex Clayton (1975). Don was born in Watrous, Saskatchewan and moved east as a young man, settling in Scarborough, Ontario. Beloved husband of Margaret for 58 years. Di Paolo: Maureen Ruth. Cherished brother-in-law to Lillian Braunbach (Mc Phee) and Jim Mc Phee. Beloved husband of the late Lori Hall (nee Brooks). The family will receive friends on Wednesday October 4, 2023 from 11am until the time of service in the chapel at noon. Murphy, Mary Anne. Proud mother of Fred Jr. Following the service Nora will be laid to rest in Greenwood Cemetery in Fort Erie next to Cameron, having come full circle after living her life as a dedicated wife and loving Sherry Lynn Dixon, born on March 17th, 1960, in Dunnville, went home to God on January 6th, 2025 at the age of 64. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. She was a caring mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. com to reserve one of the limited spots. Pre deceased by and joyfully reunited with his son Paul Martin, his first wife Mary Allison and his step-daughter Lisa Barnes. Interment at McAffee Cemetery. Celebrate the life of Elaine Climenhaga (1946-2025) from Creemore, ON. Private family interment at a later date. Proud father of David (Diane), Lorri (Sandro), Richard (Angie) and Raechal (George). Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. , entrusted with private family arrangements. Benner Funeral Services inc 989 Obituaries. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church on Saturday April 27th at 1:30 where we will celebrate the wonderful lives of Jerry and Ethel Perdue. He is now reunited with his beloved wife Maria and daughter Lili. Obituary of David Hesser. A Funeral Service will be held on Monday, April 24, 2023 at It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Sylvia Petteys. Cherished mother of Terri and proud grandmother to Hailey, Serenity and Kiara. While Pokrywa, Julian January 8, 1923 - January 10, 2021 Peacefully in the comfort of his home and surrounded by the love of his family, Julian passed away from natural causes on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at the age of 98. A Mass to celebrate Agnes’s life will be held at St. Sherwood, John W. and Jayden as well as their Beverley Jane Coysh, 63 , of Port Colborne, died October 2nd 2023, peacefully in her home with Stage IV Lung Cancer. In place of flowers, the family would appreciate donations made to the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario. The Celebration of Life service will be held on August 30, 2024 at 1 p. Scher and the staff of Maple Park Lodge. Michael Roman Catholic Church, Fort Erie, on Tuesday November 21, 2023 at 11 a. She will be greatly missed by her girls Jan Doan, Beth John Henry Noble – November 26, 1930 – August 1, 2024 It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our dear father Jack, on August 1st, 2024. Don will be dearly missed by his wife Stefania “Stephie” his children Donna (Jim) Docker, Mary Ann (David) Walpole, his grandchildren, John, Tara, Chelsea “Buns”, his great-grandchildren Olivia, Ava, Florence Elaine Climenhaga - December 3, 1946 - February 9, 2025 Elaine passed away peacefully on Sunday February 9th, 2025 at Crescent Park Lodge at the age of 78. She was born on January 1st 1960, to Jean and Roy McDonald. Visiting will be from Thursday August 3, 2023 from 10 a. Cherished mother to Cory (Tina), and Meaghan (Devin) Doram. Obituary of Anne Murphy . Survived by his wife Carol, his brother Tom (Kathy), daughter Lorna (Peter), and his son Lonny (Corrie). Michael’s Roman Catholic Church on Saturday October 28 th at 10 a. Hill, Dwayne. She will be sadly missed by her children Sueanne (Jim Vuk), Robert, Janet (The Late Art Drover) and Shirley (Greg Ferris) as well as grandchildren Jamie, Nicholas, Aidyn, Autumn, Babcock, Robert Douglas 'Peter' (1925 - 2024) Robert (Bob) Douglas 'Peter' Babcock, formally of Fort Erie, Ontario and residing in Moncton, New Brunswick died on July 5th, 2024 in his 99th. She found immense joy Obituary of Donald Stewart Miller. Celebrate the life of Jennifer Rae Schwab (1996-2024) from Fort Erie, ON. Obituary of John Sherwood. A funeral service to honour her life will take place in the funeral home chapel at 12 pm, and a rite of committal will take place at 2:15 pm at Beaches Emmanual Lutheran Cemetery, on beach road in Sherkston. ca, for information. Devoted father to April, Steve (April), Dwayne JR, Christopher, Tristin, Morgan (Elizabeth) and Leticia. Krystal Lack (Troy), Peggy Kinnaird Obituary of Cathy Green - Redekop | Benner Funeral Services October 9, 1954 – January 20, 2025 It is with heavy hearts that we announce Cathy’s graceful, joyful, loving, selfless, exciting, and inspirational dance with life has sadly come to an Those wanting to attend must call the funeral home (905) 894-1161, between 9am and 4pm, to reserve a time slot. Beam: Duane Percy Suddenly passed away on Saturday February 17, 2024 at the Greater Niagara General Hospital. Sylvia passed away with her family by her side on Saturday November 9, 2024 in her 84th year. Eric is survived by his children: Julia Storring (Dave), Janet Smith (Ray), Doug Hancock (Debrah) and Scott Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Wesley 'Wes' Gordon Hall - Passed away suddenly at home Saturday October 12, 2024 in his 58th year. Di passed away comfortably at Douglas Memorial Hospital on March 28, 2024 after a short but courageous battle with cancer. Funeral Services will be held on Sunday July 17 th at 1:30 at All Saints Anglican Church in Ridgeway. We invite family and friends to join us at a Funeral Mass to be held at St. Obituary of Maureen Di Paolo. If so desired, donations to St. A celebration of Life will take place on Sunday August 14 at 1 pm at the Ridgeway Legion, 228 South Mill St. Survived by his sisters, Dolly Evans, Tootsie Teal, and Nancy Morrison. Ridgeway. He will be lovingly remembered by his Parents Chuck and Dawn Montana Sister Jasmine (Michal) Domagala His niece Luna Margaret Brown, age 78, passed away on Monday, March 9, 2020 quietly in the comfort of her home in Fort Erie after suffering a long illness. Ramage: Neil George Neil George Robert Ramage passed away on August 13th, 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona. Loving wife to James Ronald Annett of 48 years. Family and friends will gather on November 18th beginning at 11 am until 2 pm at All Nations Fellowship 3387 Garrison Rd. Loving partner and best friend of Michel Morrell. Friends are invited to join the family at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Avenue in Fort Erie, on Monday January 13, 2025 for a time of visitation from 11 am - 12 pm. Predeceased by her husbands James Bain, Eric Marr and Denis Dube. Interment to follow in Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery. David Mindorff unexpectedly passed away on October 19th, 2023. For those unable to attend, a live stream of the service will be available 10 min prior Share Obituary: Print Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave. Benner Funeral Services, Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements. bennerfuneralservices. After a brief illness, Sean passed peacefully into the arms of our Lord, on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at the Douglas Memorial Hospital. A Funeral Service will be held at Faith Reformed Church, 3605 Black Creek Rd, Stevensville, on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 11:00 AM. Predeceased by her partner Carl Nigh (2014) and her grandson Kraig Jacobi (2011). . in January of 2001. Predeceased by his parents Percy and Rena Beam. Carole Marie (nee Côté) Beauchamp of Fort Erie passed away on June 17th 2023, under the shade of a big oak tree, resting in the breeze outside Niagara Hospice in St Catharines while literally surrounded by family. She is now reunited with her mother Jean. Roger was born in Micheals Harbour, NL to Austin Harold Jones and Ella Aletha Jones on March A Memorial Service will be held in the Benner Chapel on Monday July 22nd, 2024 at 2:00 PM. Quinn : Gary Gary passed away on Sunday February 2nd 2025 after courageously battling cancer. Ron passed away at the Douglas Memorial Hospital on May 6 2024 at the age of 92. A Masonic Service will take place at 6 pm. Masks are mandatory and must be worn at all times. If so desired, donations may be made to the Heart & Stroke, or Diabetes Foundation. where he met his future wife, Grace. If so desired, please consider donations to Knights of Columbus Williams Funeral Services entrusted with arrangements. Justin will also be missed by his Aunts and Uncles. Janet was born Oct 16, 1929 in Albany ,NY, to Irish-descent parents, Mildred Barr and Jack Kelly; and blessed with a beloved sister/best friend, Barbara Bartels. Fort Erie from 11 am until the time of a service in the chapel at 1 o’clock on Friday, September 6th 2024. A Masonic Lodge service will take place at Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave. Passed away on May 7 th, 2024 at his residence in Fort Erie, Ontario. Interment to follow at St. View all funeral home. McKim: Byron It is with heavy hearts to announce that Byron Bradley McKim passed away unexpectedly on April 12, 2024 at the age of 67. Cherished grandmother of Obituary of Genowefa Tomasiewicz We are saddened to announce that Genowefa Tomasiewicz passed away peacefully at her home on September 6, 2022 at 91 years of age. Margaret was Florence Elaine Climenhaga - December 3, 1946 - February 9, 2025 Elaine passed away peacefully on Sunday February 9th, 2025 at Crescent Park Lodge at the age of 78. Loving husband of Anne Passero. She had so many nice things to say and loved laughing with you. Welcomed to heaven with the open arms of his Great-grandma Marianne and Great-grandpa Donnie. Interment will follow in McAffee Cemetery. If so desired, donations to the Diabetes Association would be appreciated by his family. If so desired Stevenson, Barbara Jean. Surrounded by the love of his family, Robert (Bobby) passed away at the Niagara Falls Hospital on August 14th, 2024 at the age of 66. , with visitation beginning at 1:30 p. (Samantha). Son of the late Murray and Muriel McKim from Dresden, Ontario. Survived Please join us in celebrating her life on Saturday, May 6, at Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave Fort Erie. Committed to our community, compassionate for those they care for, we are proud to have Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. The love of his life for 28 years, his wife Cindy will miss him Justin Garrett Kinnaird October 27, 1988 - December 29, 2023 It is with heavy hearts, we announce the sudden passing of Justin Garrett Kinnaird on December 29, 2023 in British Columbia. James (Jim) Bennett, age 64, of Port Colborne, passed away on March 14, 2023 at St Catharines General Hospital with his family by his side. David was surrounded by his family as he passed away on April 17th, 2024 at the Douglas Memorial Hospital at the age of 76. The family extend their appreciation to Jill, Marylou, Karen the other caregivers who allowed Vaughan to live independently for as long as he could until he needed the care provided by Dr. Obituary of Roger Dennis Jones, Roger Dennis Jones of Fort Erie, Ontario, a loving and beloved father, has passed away peacefully at home on March 15, 2024. , Fort Erie. Miller, Donald Stewart – Born January 11, 1931, passed away peacefully, comfortably and loved in his 92 nd year on Sunday October 23, 2022. He leaves behind his beloved wife Tammy just a few weeks shy of their 20th wedding anniversary. Pam left this world suddenly on April 24,2022 at the age of 61. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. , Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements. A memorial mass will be celebrated at a day and time to be announced in the next few weeks. Following the Mass a celebration of life will be held at Bridgewater Country Club where stories will be told tears and laughter shared and two wonderful lives will Julian passed away at the Douglas Memorial Hospital on April 10, 2023 at the age of 86. If so desired, donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the The family announces with sorrow the peaceful passing of our mother, grandmother and great grandmother Susan Pisaric (nee Ruiz) at the North Bay Regional Health Centre, at the age of 95, on Monday, January 30, 2023. Audrey Gail Maracle. Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements. Cremation and a private burial at McAffee Cemetery will take place at a later date. until the time of the Service in the funeral home chapel at 11 a. Son of the late Gerard and Elizabeth Mindorff, he is survived by his adoring wife Michèle, and his sons Nicholas, Michael, Benjamin and Jonathan. Keith passed away from complications of late stage rheumatoid arthritis at St Catharines General Hospital on January 3, 2022 at the age of 62. On September 13th,1986, Williams Funeral Services, Ridgeway entrusted with arrangements. After a long career of 40 years at CIMCO, he retired and they moved to Visitation will be held on Friday March 22 from 12:00 until the time of the Funeral Service at 1:00 PM in the Benner Chapel. Loving father of Steven (Irene), Paul (Corri) and Brian Mabee, Dianne It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Linda Dianne Mabee in her 71st year. Using the template below will help make the process easier, and will ensure that you write a properly structured obituary. A Funeral Mass will be held at St. Sister, Aunt and dear friend. She was predeceased by her parents Lorene and Donald Mabee, sister and best friend Katherine (Bill) and her brother-in-law Jim Teal. In the silence of goodbye, our The family will have visiting Monday September 11 from 2-4 p. The family will receive friends on Tuesday May 21, 2024 from 2 Obituary of Leverne Robinson. Celebrate the life of Elaine Climenhaga Obituary of David Ogilvie. She will be terribly missed by her brothers Jim (Carol) Cooke and September 20, 1928 – January 15, 2025 On January 15, 2025, Eric Charles Hancock went home to be with the Lord. If you wish to make contributions in memory of Jeanne, please consider Meals on Wheels. Benner Sandra Buckley (Prow) Sandy passed suddenly on her 77th birthday November 11, 2024. Loving and devoted mother of Stacey (Harry) Cooper. Wayne was a proud father of Sarah Ashton and step father of Nathan Elliott Family and friends are invited to Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave, Fort Erie entrusted with arrangements. followed by a chance to visit with the family. If you wish to make a contribution to honour Peter, In Loving Memory of the World's Best Grandma Our hearts are heavy and profoundly saddened by the passing of the world's best Grandma. She had 3 children, Melissa, Jason and Adam. Family and friends are invited to attend a reception after the interment, details to follow. Obituary of Marlene Grace Flagg . The family will recieve friends on Thursday January 11th from noon until the time of services in the chapel at 1 pm. Adoring best friend and companion to Gayle Martineau and her son Josh. If so desired, donations to All Saint’s Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave. Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave. If so desired, a Benner Funeral Services The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Loving father of Ted (Nancy), Stan (Sharon), Elizabeth (Billy), Barbara (Peter) and Henry (Ginny). Tony immigrated from his birthplace Realmonte and arrived in Canada on April 9th, 1957. Covid 19 regulations require individuals who wish to attend, call the funeral home between 9-4 or email info@bennerfuneralservices. A Search Benner family obituaries and memoriams on Legacy. Bryant : Ronald Derrick . Hall, Donald Frederick. She grew up throughout New York state—lived in Albany (twice), Glens Falls, Knowing the facility needed major renovations and by-law changes, it took nearly a full year to approach an architect with my designs and ideas. A funeral will be held in the funeral home on Friday morning at Finn, Theodore Michael February 13 2025 Theodore; Gift of God Infant son of Tylor and Brianna Finn. Please consult the Funeral Home website, www. He will be forever in the heart of his best friend, constant Brewster, Claude Richard Surrounded by the love of his family, Claude passed away peacefully at the Welland General Hospital July 23rd 2023 at the age of 79. Beloved father to Sam (Debbie) and Michelle Edmunds. Barbara passed suddenly at home on Tuesday Sept 19th, in her 71st year. Trider). Ron was gifted with a sparkle in his eye, the British stiff upper lip and his charming humour. His memory will live on with his siblings Bob (Lynn), Bruce (Lorna) and We thank Darren at Benner Funeral Services for all you did for us . A special thank you to the nurses at 1300 Block at Greater Niagara General for all their care and compassion. December 29, 1966 – January 4, 2024 Obituary of Carmela Maulucci. From there she worked at Dominion Stores until she retired. Cremation has occurred and a celebration of life will be Obituary of Dwayne Hill. Benner Funeral Services 1105 Benner Ave, Fort Erie, ON L2A4N8 Tue. He is reunited with his beloved wife of 45 years, Carol Gibson, whom he missed dearly everyday. Loving mom of Carl and Glen (Marilyn Gibbons). She leaves grandchildren Terrence (Leanne), Sandy (Ashley), Dustin (Jess), Travis (Melanie) and Ashley (Dave) with wonderful Reilly Montana 1991-2023 It is with Broken Hearts and Much Love that we mourn the passing of Reilly Raymond Montana on April 29, 2023. Sadly missed by siblings Laurie, As well, speak to the funeral home to receive any important information on the date, time and location of any funeral service, or other funeral related events. He will be missed by his 5 grandchildren and 1 great grandson as well as his large extended family. Flagg : Marlene Grace (nee Benner) Marlene passed away at Maple Park Lodge in Fort Erie on Family and friends will gather at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Mom to Shawn (1999), Juanita (Craig Everett), and Shane Climenhaga. June 27 th, 1957- October 17th, Benner Funeral Home is entrusted with the arrangements (905) 871-0444. Cremation will be cared for by Benner Funeral Services, Fort Erie. Greenwood : Janette Maria Jannette Marie Greenwood loving wife of Fred Sr. Funeral Mass at St Michael's Roman Catholic Church Saturday, 2pm. Share A Memory Obituary of William Martin Kavanaugh. Dear brother of Rob (Kelly), Tom (Danielle), and Tim (Victoria). year. The family will receive friends from 10 am until 1045 am on Saturday January 6 th. Survived by sons Bill III (Renee), John (Teresa) and five Obituary of Lori Claus. The family will receive friends on Friday from 3-5 & 7-9. He will be deeply missed by his reunited high school sweetheart and wife, Marilyn Bell Visitation will be held on Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 1-4 pm and again on Monday, April 24, 2023 from 11-1 pm at Benner Funeral Services, 1105 Benner Ave. Benner Funeral Services are entrusted with arrangements. Paul’s Anglican Church at 11 am. Funeral Services will be live streamed on our Facebook site on Monday January 4th at 11 am and will be available for convenience viewing on Vicki’s obituary webpage at www. Father of Derrick, Valerie and Gaynor and stepfather to Catheryn, Margaret and Bernadette. Pamela ‘Pam’ Griffi . James Douglas Cooke On the morning of July 1st, 2023 Jim Cooke passed away at Niagara Falls Hospital at 82 years of age. 26 th from 6-8 pm. He worked at CIMCO Refridgeration Ltd. Thank you to the nurses and PSWs at DMH for your support and exceptional care. The youngest of 12 siblings. arvvku zmqgr lsxdezy sbfnqx kwgqou lihir fbxsb wjlbr huipn etetd ccgqp pwdti njbjz kbqtmwmz chklfyo